
The inception of Multiplanet Token (MPT) marks a significant milestone in our collective pursuit of space exploration and colonization. With a visionary approach and a commitment to leveraging blockchain technology, MPT aims to democratize access to space ventures and unite a global community of explorers and innovators.

Roadmap Overview:

  • November 7, 2023 - Inception and Development Phase: The MPT project begins with the creation and initial development of the token on the Solana blockchain. This period focuses on laying the groundwork for a robust, scalable, and secure platform.

  • February 7, 2024 - Official Launch: After months of meticulous planning and development, MPT officially launches, marking a pivotal moment in our journey towards making space exploration accessible to all.

  • May 7, 2024 - Expansion to Second Blockchain: In line with our mission for broad accessibility and cross-chain interoperability, MPT expands to a second blockchain, facilitating greater participation and engagement within the crypto space.

  • June 7, 2024 Onwards - Community Engagement and Project Development: We invite specialists from various fields to collaborate on detailed project planning. This phase is dedicated to harnessing collective expertise to shape the mission's direction, leveraging AI and new technologies to prepare for interplanetary projects.

  • 2024-2026 - Scheduled Blockchain Expansions: Every three months, MPT will extend its presence to a new blockchain, with a goal of being on 10 blockchains. This strategy ensures continuous growth and adaptation to technological advancements.

  • Year 2026 - Initiation of Real-Life Space Projects: Utilizing the funding and support gathered through MPT, we commence real-life space exploration projects. This step translates our vision into actionable endeavors, pushing humanity closer to becoming a multiplanetary species.

The Multiplanet Token (MPT) roadmap outlines an ambitious yet achievable path towards interstellar exploration and colonization. Through strategic expansions, community engagement, and leveraging cutting-edge technology, MPT is set to play a crucial role in the future of humanity's space endeavors. Join us as we embark on this unprecedented journey to the stars, powered by the collective will and imagination of explorers across the globe.